William Villalongo
Feast with Nkisi, 2021Acrylic and velvet flock on wood panel72 x 56 in.Feast with Nkisi is a painting about conflict, conquest, and memorial presented as feast. On a silver platter, symbols of colonial power are balanced by stolen objects of cultural significance....Feast with Nkisi is a painting about conflict, conquest, and memorial presented as feast. On a silver platter, symbols of colonial power are balanced by stolen objects of cultural significance. The nkisi nkondi figure, a source of spiritual and physical healing, is represented lying down. Its position symbolizes its diminished status as an object of conquest. The nkisi figure's healing power is further complicated here by the gun that acts as pillow. The sextant just behind the nkisi is a navigational device that dates back to the late 17th century. It is primarily used for celestial navigation, measuring the angle between an astronomical object and the horizon to measure latitude, altitude, or position on an aeronautical or nautical chart. The Dutch flowers and Olde English malt liquor refererence colonial power. Olde English malt liquor was also the preferred drink of early 90's gangster rappers. The hanging shoes are a nod to the practice of tossing shoes over a power line in memorial. The cheese, carrots, and ducks refer to monetary gain, the latter an appropriation from the Flemish painter Justus Sustermans' Still Life with Two Wild Ducks Hung Up, 1640. Garlic, peeled orange and prosciutto round out the feast.
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