Max Beckmann
German (1884–1950)
Silbsbildnis (Self-Portrait), 1918
Plate 1 from Gesichter, 1918
10 13/16 x 10 1/16 in. (27.5 x 25.5 cm)
The John L. and Roslyn Bakst Goldman Collection of German Expressionist Prints. Gift of the Goldmans and an anonymous donor, 2001
One of the leading artists of the German Expressionist movement, Max Beckmann produced numerous self-portraits in both painting and print, often casting a wry eye at himself and his life as an artist. Familiar with performers and personalities of the circus world, he was an insightful skeptic of public self-importance, willing to cast himself as an example of the type. Of course, insightful skepticism depends on a good eye.
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